Care Options Network SeniorCare Guidebook

This annually published 500+ page Guidebook includes specific information on skilled nursing facilities, residential care homes, assisted living facilities, independent senior housing, home health agencies, hospice, adult day services, memory care and many other senior specific services in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota areas.

Anoka County Community Action Program

The Anoka County Community Resource Guide was developed to help promote self-sufficiency for residents of Anoka County, MN. Self-sufficiency is being able to provide for yourself and your family without undue hardship. The resources in this book are available to you and your family, but YOU must take the first step.

Anoka County Services

Senior Services – Social Workers have access to many high quality programs and services that can enhance their lives. This Web site can help seniors, their families, friends, or caregivers, determine where to turn for help or information.

Anoka County also offers several other care services for adults of various needs and can be found on the Services for Adults page on the Anoka County website.

Minnesota Help was originally a long-term care database that has expanded in recent years to include a wide range of community services. There are over 10,000 helping agencies in the state of Minnesota, and this website displays these services in an easy-to-navigate format for seniors, families in need, the homeless, the disabled, veterans, the unemployed, and refugees.


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