15531 Central Avenue NE, Ham Lake, MN 55304

What's New

Tamarisk On North Metro TV

A special thanks to North Metro TV for running a story that really captures how the volunteers at Tamarisk help the communities we serve.

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A Very Special Thanks To Great River Energy

Tamarisk’s mission is to create a caring presence and safe haven for the thoughts, feelings, and concerns of persons, and their families facing the  end stages of terminal illness. We attend to our companions’ non-medical needs, while simultaneously providing much-needed respite to caregivers.

Part of this is educating wonderful and compassionate people to provide the ca
re we can, to make lives better. Educating involves an extensive program before going to that first family. Educating involves time in a classroom. And time in a classroom is never complete without printed materials to take home and study. We would like to thank Great River Energy for a generous grant to help produce educational print materials. Grants like this help us to extend our reach and provide more assistance to more families!

Thank you, Great River Energy!

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End of Year Giving

For over 20 years, Tamarisk has been changing the lives of caregivers and the loved ones they care for.  Tamarisk unites many generous volunteers and caregivers with a single important cause: providing companionship to those with the end stages of a terminal illness and respite to their caregivers.  The need for Tamarisk’s services will only increase in the future and our waitlist will only continue to grow without your financial help.  With your support, together we can truly make a difference in our community and be a light in the lives of those we touch.  Your year end gift will make a substantial difference to our organization.  Secure, online giving is available using our DONATE NOW button above.  Bless you!

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2016 Annual Gala Fundraiser

Join us for the 2016 Annual Gala – A Spooky Soirée!

The Spooky Soirée will be held on Saturday, October 29 at the Majestic Oaks Golf Club. The fun filled evening will include a social hour, buffet dinner, silent auction and Halloween costume contest! Tickets are $75 per person.  Join us in reaching our fundraising goal of $20,000!  It promises to be a “spooktacular” time!

Visit our Events page for more information or to RSVP.



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Mother’s Day Saturday Brunch

Tamarisk is excited to have the support of Cork Wine Bar Restaurant in Anoka as they host our 2nd annual Mothers Day brunch!

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Visit Tamarisk at the MOA Volunteer Expo Feb 27

Tamarisk returns to Mall of America in Bloomington for the 11th Annual Volunteer Expo THIS SATURDAY, February 27, 2016 from 10:00am to 3:00pm.

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